Le Sun, 27 Sep 2020 16:13:57 -0400,
Julien Lepiller <jul...@lepiller.eu> a écrit :

Hi Julien :-)

Thank you for your answer! Of course, I accept the mentionned change. I just 
need to learn how to use the robot by studing basics:


Once this point has been clarified, I will move on to the next step. 

I will also be on the channel #guix again, this could be useful :-)


> Le 27 septembre 2020 16:03:28 GMT-04:00, Hubert Lombard
> <contact@hubert-lombard.website> a écrit :
> >
> >Hi Guix !  
> Hi Hubert!
> >
> >As a very basic end user of the Free Software, for more than 2
> >years, I have been using Guix System with pleasure. Also, it really
> >helps me.
> >
> >I would like to help with the translation.
> >
> >The manual is translated my native language (french), however I
> >noticed that some passages are left in English.  
> I'm the main translator for the French language, and I'm glad you're
> willing to help!
> >
> >eg:
> >https://guix.gnu.org/manual/fr/html_node/Installer-Guix-dans-une-VM.html
> >(isolated phrases in parts 3 and 4).
> >
> >I also found other concerned sentences in a few pages.
> >
> >Could I try to help with this? 
> >
> >Having never participated in the life of a free software, it would
> >be a great pleasure for me to be able to contribute to Guix as a
> >translator of the manual... and maybe later for other things...
> >Complete noob in the matter, I have never used .po files, but I
> >guess it's not difficult :-)
> >
> >The FSF has confirmed receipt of the document, all I'll have to do is
> >send an email to the coordinator to indicate which documents I would
> >like to translate. (From https://traduc.org/Projet_de_traduction/)  
> There's no need to give your copyright to the FSF to contribute to
> the translation of Guix. Individual contributors keep their copyright.
> There is an issue with the current po files though, as they don't
> list the correct license. They are currently under "the same license
> as the guix package" (gpl3+), but it should be "the same license as
> the guix manual" (gfdl). As long as you agree to this change, I can
> let you contribute :)
> I see that I'm not specifically assigned to the cranslation of the
> manual, so as long as you accept the above-mentionned change you can
> simply use the robot at the TP.
> Note that we are planning to move to a weblate instance soonish, but
> we're still using the TP for now.
> >
> >The last/current step about the mailing list: "Confirmed requests for
> >Traduc and Traduc-po subscriptions."
> >
> >Thanks in advance for your answer
> >
> >Good continuation, this project is becoming a practical reality and
> >the childhurds seem great.
> >
> >Kind regards
> >
> >Hubert  


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