
Peng Mei Yu <pengme...@riseup.net> skribis:

> After extensive cooperation with SJTUG's maintainers, we are happy to
> announce that SJTUG's Guix mirror is online now.
> The substitute URL is: https://mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn/guix

This is great news!

> Asia residents, especially China residents, will greatly benefit from
> this mirror.  Average download speed is about 3MB/s within China, which
> is a 100 times increase compared to ci.guix.gnu.org.
> SJTUG's Guix mirror is maintained by students of Shanghai Jiao Tong
> University Linux User Group (SJTUG).  We will continue to cooperate with
> them in the near future to ensure this mirror server is fast and stable.

So you are rsync’ing from ci, right?  Is the mirror running ‘guix
publish’ to cope with the “weird” file layout in

If you’re interested, you could write an article for the blog post (in
English, but it’d be a good opportunity to start translating the web
site into Chinese :-)) about your setup and the choices you made.

Thank you & everyone involved!


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