On Sun, Apr 04 2021, Christopher Baines wrote:

> Cool :) While it's not directly security related, I really want the
> subscriptions functionality I'm planning to work on to be done so that
> people can subscribe to things related to the packages they use, like
> new versions becoming available, or the build breaking for example, as
> that might help people stay involved.

A bit off-topic, but I think it would be nice if the Emails/RSS feeds
would contain more information.  Right now it just says that PACKAGE on
ARCHITECTURE is fixed/broken, and gives a URL pointing to the build job.
I think it would be useful to also show the commit (the revision and
the commit summary for some context) that caused the fix/failure, and
maybe also the time it took to build the package, plus a link to the raw
build log.

All of this sounds very exciting.  Keep up the great work!

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