On Tue, 11 Jan 2022 19:59:37 -0500 Matt <m...@excalamus.com> wrote:
>  ---- On Tue, 11 Jan 2022 11:24:20 -0500 jgart <jg...@dismail.de> wrote ----
>  > I'm looking forward to having you at the next docs meetup:
>  > 
>  > https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2022-01/msg00189.html
>  > 
>  > Are there any particular sections in the guix manual that you would like
>  > to work on in the meetup?
> I outlined some interests here:  
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2022-01/msg00105.html

Hi Matt,

I skimmed that thread. Let me reread and I'll keep it in mind for this
Saturday's meetup. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts
and user experiences with guix.

> I was just learning about profiles and how to use them to install
> multiple versions of a software. So, my head is there at the moment.

Have you read ambrevar's post called 'Guix Profiles in Practice'?

Unfortunately ambrevar's blog seems to be down at the moment:


> Cohesion is a big point in my outline. Maybe I could check for that as
> regards profiles?  

> Otherwise, maybe look over the contribute section. It
> seems like I could use a rereading of it. If there's anything that's
> unclear, the meeting might be a good space to address it.

roptat made a nice guide for learning texinfo:


I'm also accepting patches for the guixrus wiki on sourcehut:


Patches can be sent to ~whereiseveryone/guix...@lists.sr.ht

The guixrus wiki is being used by the whereiseveryone community as a
staging area for discussing proposals to upstream docs and for any guix
docs that are not ready for whatever reason. I can usually review and
merge any docs for the guixrus wiki within a day or two of submitting
it. If not, ping me on irc.

We accept guixrus wiki docs in markdown. When sending anything in the
guixrus wiki make sure to translate it to texinfo. You can use pandoc
to assist with that. I'll add an entry to the wiki soon for instructions
on how to do that:

guix shell pandoc -- pandoc index.md -o index.texi

If you'd like to discuss more about the guixrus wiki come chat with us
at #whereiseveryone on the irc.libera.chat network.

> Mainly, I'm interested in getting to meet you and others from the
> community and hear what they value.

Likewise! I'm looking forward to meeting you also and everyone that
might show up.

all best,



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