---- On Tue, 11 Jan 2022 20:20:30 -0500 jgart <jg...@dismail.de> wrote ----

 > Have you read ambrevar's post called 'Guix Profiles in Practice'?
 > Unfortunately ambrevar's blog seems to be down at the moment:
 > https://ambrevar.xyz/guix-profiles/index.html

No, I haven't. Thanks!

It's archived: 

 > > Cohesion is a big point in my outline. Maybe I could check for that as
 > > regards profiles?  
 > > Otherwise, maybe look over the contribute section. It
 > > seems like I could use a rereading of it. If there's anything that's
 > > unclear, the meeting might be a good space to address it.
 > roptat made a nice guide for learning texinfo:
 > https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/texinfo/
Cool, it's been a bit since I used texinfo

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