---- On Tue, 01 Mar 2022 09:36:19 -0500 Julien Lepiller <jul...@lepiller.eu> 
wrote ----
 > Hi Guix!
 > I'm looking for volunteers to create English subtitles for the Guix Days
 > talks. It would be great for people who are not very good with spoken
 > English but who can still understand text.
 > We have created a pad with the list of videos and steps to coordinate
 > and make sure we don't all work on the same videos. Please add you name
 > in front of the video you want to create subtitles for:
 > https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/guixdays2022-videosubtitles-9stl
 > You can use aegisub to create the subtitles. Note that it's a lot of
 > work (typically 1 hour for ~10 minutes of video), so I'd be glad for any
 > work you can do, even if it's partial. Please send me the subtitles once
 > they are completed, I'll add them with the videos.
I've started working on the "Dreaming of better patch review".  This is great 
steno practice!

Aegisub kept crashing when setting hotkeys, but I was able to set some up that 
make navigation easier.  

In the "subtitle edit box", I added:
Alt-P audio/play/line
Ctrl-N time/next
Ctrl-P time/prev

This is allows me to navigate by lines, play the audio for that section, and 
then press Return to "commit" what I wrote for the subtitle.

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