Hi Andrew,

Please accept my apologies for sending the message below. Aside from
being impolite, my note was also ill-timed given your newly-won status
as a committer. I could have hardly been more tone-deaf. If at all, I
should have written in private.

While not a great explanation, I occasionally spend time with
scientists and engineers working on weapons. Over the years, I have
become cynical about the progress of technology. It was not the first
time that I have been vocal in technical forums about embracing life
rather than taking it.

I felt sorry for several weeks and hope you can forgive me. May this
follow-up in public remove any stain from
your good name.

Thanks for Guix Home!


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Felix Lechner <felix.lech...@lease-up.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [POSTMORTEM] Subkey is not authorized by .guix-authorizations
To: Guix Devel <guix-devel@gnu.org>


On Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 7:27 AM Andrew Tropin <and...@trop.in> wrote:

I have likewise used those words to describe concluding reports or to
communicate lessons learned, but upon reflection I now prefer
"incident summary" or "debrief". [1] Since both of my suggested
replacements are associated with the military, they are also not great
examples of favoring life over death, but at least the parties are not
yet in the morgue, so there is hope.

Long live Guix!

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

[1] "debriefing strategies maximize ... the collective experience",

  • An apology Development of GNU Guix and the GNU System distribution.

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