Hi all,

On Fri, Mar 10, 2023 at 04:39 PM, Simon Tournier wrote:

> Hi,
> On Fri, 10 Mar 2023 at 16:04, Cayetano Santos <csant...@inventati.org> wrote:
>> Fine with me, even if to me emacs-next means latest from master,
>> including tree-sitter. You decide to use the feature, or not.
> Just to be sure we are on the same wavelength. :-)
> The package emacs-next is not currently following "master" and instead
> is following the branch Emacs 29 -- the next release of Emacs.  As far
> I know, this branch does not contain the feature Tree-sitter.
> Instead, the feature Tree-sitter is in the branch "master", which will
> be branched later as Emacs 30 and somehow will be the next next
> release of Emacs.

During this discussion some changes were made to this inheritance structure in




by Andrew Tropin. I've cc'ed him here to make sure he sees this discussion to 
make sure everyone is on the same page. I've seen notes before of pgtk being 
only for Wayland and potentially causing issues on X (this was some time ago, I 
can dig up the emacs threads if anyone wants). Personally I've never had issues 
in the past with pgtk on X, but haven't used it in quite some time. Just a note 
to keep in mind.


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