Am Freitag, dem 10.03.2023 um 22:44 +0400 schrieb Andrew Tropin:
> > > Thanks for pointing that.  From my understanding, it does not
> > > change what Cayetanos is raising: emacs-next-tree-sitter is built
> > > using '--with-pgtk'.  In fact, the package emacs-next-tree-sitter
> > > is built using the master branch (Emacs 30 unbranched yet) with
> > > tree-sitter *and* pgtk support.
> > > 
> > > Cheers,
> > > simon
> > 
> > As for the NEWS-29 file:
> > 
> > "Running this configuration on X is known to have problems, such as
> > undesirable frame positioning and various issues with keyboard
> > input of sequences such as 'C-;' and 'C-S-u'."
> > 
> > C.
> I haven't used X for a while, but if it's still the case for 30
> version, I guess we can inherit pgtk from tree-sitter.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the point of C-S-u with pure GTK to
use GNOME's ibus widget?  Granted, we have other problems with ibus
currently, but it's still a part that makes the pgtk branch feel

As for tree-sitter-with/without-gtk, I have no opinion here.  We could
try exporting package rewriters so that everyone can have their cup of
tea, but maintaining one's own Emacs on the user/channel level ought
not to be too difficult either.


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