count me in :)

宋文武 <> writes:

> Hello, I recently joined/created teams for xfce, lxqt, and localization,
> in which I am the only member so far, so I'd like to call for more
> members.
> I think Team members mostly do (in the scope and area of expertise by team):
> - Review patches from guix-patches.
> - Handle issues or usages support from guix-help and bug-guix.
> And the goals of said 3 teams are:
> - xfce: Maintain the Xfce desktop environment in Guix, timely
>   updates/releases.
> - lxqt: Maintain the LXQt desktop environment in Guix, timely
>   updates/releases.
> - localization: Help your friends which doesn't use English as the main
>   system language to use the Guix System, by setup the required fonts
>   and input methods etc.  Also maintain the required packages.
> If this interests you, please reply or send a patch for
> 'etc/', thank you!
> I have CCed a list of people which I think might be interested (by looked
> at git shortlog or asked on IRC) :)

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