Hi Tanguy,

-------- Original Message --------
On May 24, 2023, 11:48 PM, Tanguy LE CARROUR wrote:
> Hi John,
> Quoting John Kehayias (2023-05-04 17:09:14)
> > I didn't emerge in time for the core-updates merge. There might be a better 
> > way
> > than causing a python world rebuild, but this is my current series
> > which does have Poetry building (might as well do the updates I
> > figure):
> […]
> > I'll give it a try at the week end!

> Days became weeks and… I had no chance (yet) to give it a try! 😵

> Any updates on your side? I've just seen that Lars answered on #63139 few 
> weeks ago.

No worries! I know all too well how time passes in unexpected ways.

I haven't had a chance to work on this as I'm away for a few weeks from a 
proper computer. I meant to say so on that issue thread but looks like I 
forgot. I'll try that though as the formatting of this message may make clear, 
I'm not using my preferred email client and it is more difficult.

But since days did turn to weeks, I'm nearing the end of my travels and will be 
back in a little over a week so hopefully more progress then.


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