On 2023-08-17 at 23:54+02:00, Wilko Meyer wrote:
> Is there a list of current TODOs somewhere? Or would one start
> by bumping packages to build with a more recent/non-EoL go version
> and see if that works out?

Most Go packages are quite dated by a few years,
so that's probably a good idea.

One does not simply drive by a thread without personal agenda,
so I hereby request thy mentorship on adding the senpai IRC client:

I've been asking for eyes on #guix on Libera but mostly got ghosted )-;

  • Updates for Go Katherine Cox-Buday
    • Re: Updates ... Development of GNU Guix and the GNU System distribution.
      • Re: Upda... Katherine Cox-Buday
        • Re: ... Wilko Meyer
          • ... Development of GNU Guix and the GNU System distribution.
          • ... Attila Lendvai
            • ... Katherine Cox-Buday
          • ... Katherine Cox-Buday
            • ... Development of GNU Guix and the GNU System distribution.
              • ... Katherine Cox-Buday
              • ... Josselin Poiret
                • ... Attila Lendvai
                • ... Development of GNU Guix and the GNU System distribution.
                • ... Katherine Cox-Buday
                • ... wolf

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