
I’ve been following along with this discussion, as well as a discussion on Clojureverse, and thought it might be helpful to pull together some threads and design decisions around Clojure’s behavior.

Clojure is designed to ship libraries as source artifacts, not bytecode ("pretty much all other Clojure libraries ... are all source code by design[1]."; "Clojure is ... a source-first language[2]"), and the view of the community is that shipping AOT artifacts "is an anti-pattern[1]." Clojure library JARs are more akin to source tarballs than binaries. The original design and intent of Clojure’s AOT compiler is to compile "just a few things... for the interop case" or "Everything... For the 'Application delivery', 'Syntax check', and 'reflection warnings' cases[3]."

Clojure’s compiler is transitive and "does not support separate compilation"[3], meaning when a namespace is compiled, anything it uses is compiled and emitted with it. This is the crux of why mixing AOT and non-AOT code is troublesome: it causes dependency diamonds, where the AOT’d library contains a duplicate, older version of code used elsewhere in the project.

The Clojure reference on compiling[4] gives some reasons you might want to AOT: "To deliver your application without source," "To speed up application startup," "To generate named classes for use by Java," "To create an application that does not need runtime bytecode generation and custom classloaders." Note that there’s no mention of compiling libraries for any reason; only applications.

When AOT is used "for the interop case," it’s typical to AOT only those namespaces[5], not the entire library.

Shipping AOT-compiled Clojure libraries has caused real and very weird and hard-to-debug problems in the past:

https://github.com/clj-commons/byte-streams/issues/68 and https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/CLJ-1741

Clojure doesn’t have guarantees around ABI stability[6][7]. To date, most ABI changes have been additive, but there are no guarantees that the ABI will be compatible from any one version of Clojure to any other. The understanding of the Clojure community is that the design of the current compiler can’t offer a stable ABI[8] at all. Because nobody in the Clojure community AOTs intermediate (that is, library) code, this hasn’t been a problem and is unlikely to change.

"Clojure tries very hard to provide source compatibility but not bytecode compatibility across versions[9]."

Correctly handling the ABI concerns — which Guix currently does not do — would result in a combinatorial explosion of Clojure packages should multiple versions of Clojure ever be available in Guix at the same time. For example, if someone wanted to package Clojure 1.12.0-alpha9, you’d need to duplicate every package taking Clojure as an input so they use the correct version. While ABI breakage has been rare thus far, it seems likely that it’ll occur at some point; perhaps if Clojure reaches version 2.0.0. If Guix disables AOT for Clojure libraries, we have source compatibility, and the AOT/ABI problems are moot.

Clojure’s compiler is non-deterministic[10]: the same compiler can will produce different bytecode for the same input across multiple runs. I’m not sure if this is a problem for Guix at this point in time, but it seems out of line with Guix expectations for compilation generally.

Opinions follow:

If we’re taking votes, mine is to *not* AOT Clojure libraries, both for the technical reasons laid out in, and also for the social reason of not violating the principle of least surprise. I understand that Guix and Clojure have very different approaches, and some balance must be struck. However, the lack of ABI guarantees, the compiler’s behavior, the promise of source compatibility, and matching the expectation of the audience these tools are meant for all convince me that disabling AOT is the right course here.

AOT’ing Clojure applications (which means, more or less, "the Clojure tooling") is desirable, and should be maintained.

 — Ian

[1]: https://clojureverse.org/t/should-linux-distributions-ship-clojure-byte-compiled-aot-or-not/10595/8 [2]: https://clojureverse.org/t/should-linux-distributions-ship-clojure-byte-compiled-aot-or-not/10595/30
[3]: https://clojure.org/reference/compilation
[4]: https://archive.clojure.org/design-wiki/display/design/Transitive%2BAOT%2BCompilation.html
[5]: https://clojure.org/guides/deps_and_cli#aot_compilation
[6]: https://clojureverse.org/t/should-linux-distributions-ship-clojure-byte-compiled-aot-or-not/10595/30 [7]: https://gist.github.com/hiredman/c5710ad9247c6da12a99ff6c26dd442e [8]: https://clojureverse.org/t/should-linux-distributions-ship-clojure-byte-compiled-aot-or-not/10595/4 [9]: https://clojureverse.org/t/should-linux-distributions-ship-clojure-byte-compiled-aot-or-not/10595/18 [10]: https://ask.clojure.org/index.php/12249/bytecode-not-100-deterministic-given-identical-inputs

Steve George <st...@futurile.net> writes:


Guix's clojure-build-system turns on AOT compilation by default. I would like to advocate that 'as a distributor' we should *not* ship Clojure code AOT'd, so we should change the default.

This has been discussed previously. In #56604 r0man noted that AOT compilation should not be on by default [0], Reilly makes the same point in #53765 [1].

Maxime makes the point that where a compiler is available it should be used [2] and that if it doesn't work it's a bug:

"if a Clojure library misbehaves when AOT-compiled, without additional context, that seems like a bug in the Clojure library to me (or the AOT-compilation code).

The perspective in the Clojure community is quite different from Guix's on a number of fronts. There's not much discussion about offline builds, reproducibility or code coming from Distributions. The internalised perspective is that you use the build tools to download libraries directly from Clojars (a Maven repo) and developers create a final uberjar for production usage Consequently, there is no specific statement saying 'Distributors should not AOT libraries' that I can point to. But, I would like to draw attention to this thread on Clojureverse as the best source I could find:

Alex Miller is the main community manager for Clojure, and is a maintainer of the core libraries, so his perspective is key. He notes that, AOT code is tied to *specific versions of Clojure*:

"AOT'ed code is that it is inherently the product of a particular version of tthe Clojure compiler ... I would recommend NOT AOT compiling libraries" [4]

In the same thread thheller, who is the maintainer of the most popular ClojureScript tooling, notes you cannot mix AOT and non-AOT libraries [5]:

"you cannot just ship your library AOT compiles as it would also contain clojure.core. Clojure AOT current ... can not load clj files from .class files. So AOT produces the class files and will fail if one of the dependent classes is missing although the .clj file is present"

I believe this means that with AOT code on, any user who installs a different version of Clojure from the one that we used to AOT the libraries *may* have problems. And, that we can't have trees where some part is AOT'd but a dependency is not. Finally, there is no expectation in the Clojure community that this is a bug, consequently it will not be fixed. Therefore, we should change to default to AOT off.

What do people think, does this make sense?


Steve / Futurile

[0] https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=56604#5
[1] https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=53765#290
[2] https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=53765#293
[4] https://clojureverse.org/t/deploying-aot-compiled-libraries/2545/6 [5] https://clojureverse.org/t/deploying-aot-compiled-libraries/2545/3 [5] https://gist.github.com/hiredman/c5710ad9247c6da12a99ff6c26dd442e

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