On 3/16/24 17:52, Ian Eure wrote:

Hi Guixy people,

I’d never heard of SWH before I started hacking on Guix last fall, and it struck me as rather a good idea.  However, I’ve seen some things lately which have soured me on them.

They appear to be using the archive to build LLMs: https://www.softwareheritage.org/2024/02/28/responsible-ai-with-starcoder2/

I was also distressed to see how poorly they treated a developer who wished to update their name: https://cohost.org/arborelia/post/4968198-the-software-heritag https://cohost.org/arborelia/post/5052044-the-software-heritag

GPL’d software I’ve created has been packaged for Guix, which I assume means it’s been included in SWH.  While I’m dealing with their (IMO: unethical) opt-out process, I likely also need to stop new copies from being uploaded again in the future.

Is there a way to indicate, in a Guix package, that it should *never* be included in SWH?

Is there a way to tell Guix to never download source from SWH?

I want absolutely nothing to do with them.


 — Ian

Oh no.

Apparently they have A.I. and blockchain besides being also transphobic.

Thanks for the heads up. That's all I needed to know to never touch whatever they are doing.


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