On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 03:09:16PM +0200, Tomas Volf wrote:
> Hello,
> On 2024-06-27 05:50:02 -0700, Felix Lechner via Development of GNU Guix and 
> the GNU System distribution. wrote:
> > Hi Efraim,
> >
> > On Wed, Jun 26 2024, Efraim Flashner wrote:
> >
> > > The packages are public but hidden
> >
> > Interesting!  How does that work, please?  I looked at the package
> > definition [1] but could not see fields that hide it.  Thanks!
> As far as I can tell *all* versions except the "official" are hidden.  The
> "base" package (rust-1.55) has this property:
>     (properties '((hidden? . #t)
>                   ...)
> All other rusts inherit from it, therefore getting the property as well.  The
> "offical" rust package (currently at 1.55) has these properties:
>       (properties (append
>                     (alist-delete 'hidden? (package-properties base-rust))
>                     (clang-compiler-cpu-architectures "15")))
> Making it install-able.
> At least I think this is how it works.

Yeah, that's how this one is hidden.

In the past the different rust packages used 'define' instead of
'define-public', but it turns out that with 'define-public' the CI
systems will recognize each package a separate package to be built, so
we can build up to the most recent rust piecemeal instead of from 1.54
straight to 1.75 in one evaluation.

The hidden? property is also how the gcc packages are hidden. 'guix
package -A ^gcc' doesn't show any straight gcc packages, only
gcc-toolchain ones, but adding alternate versions of gcc is the same as
adding any other package as an input.

Efraim Flashner   <efr...@flashner.co.il>   רנשלפ םירפא
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