
currently I cannot reconfigure my laptop with the Xfce desktop environment
due to mutter not building:
Ok:                 166
Expected Fail:      5
Fail:               1
Unexpected Pass:    0
Skipped:            0
Timeout:            0
(this was on a local build).

Given the amount of output, I find it difficult to see which test failed.

I am on commit 972c06dc79641864b05590b2cd905cc8b810062b from yesterday.
As far as I can see, the corresponding derivation has not been built by QA
(following is my breadcrump trail of links followed from the data service):

Going back in time, the last successful build I could find was for commit
ab41f5ec1cf559708165e1cd28e15538e6a197d6 of June 30. The next entry in the
dataservice has status "unknown".

After that, I do not see a commit that strikes me as suspicious as far as
mutter is concerned.

But there are quite a few patches applied to master recently of which I am
not sure whether they have gone through QA and the process described here:
Going through QA should normally make sure that dependent packages still
build and that substitutes are directly available (while for some recently
updated packages there are no substitutes); I would like to invite all
committers to follow this procedure.


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