Dominique Devienne wrote:

From: Antoine Lévy-Lambert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
original :
Copyright (c) 1999 2001-2002 The Apache Software Foundation

output :
Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation

But Antoine, I've asked recently about this on the Ant list, and was told one should list only the years the file actually changed, so the ouput should be:

Copyright 1999 2001-2002 2004 The Apache Software Foundation

Or the 'rule' just changed since I last asked a few weeks ago?


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Hi Dominique,

I also read a posting by Conor McNeill concerning this.

In the cvs log of src/org/apache/tools/ant/, I read this log message of Stefan :

License police on documentation files:

(1) Make sure all years in which a file has been modified are

(2) Make sure the format is consistent, i.e. separate consecutive
years with a dash, not a comma.

Let's see if I can retain the different copyright years for the 21 java source files which have more than 2 copyright years.



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