El 13/10/2014 a las #4, tec7...@eipi.cmg.hidro.cu escribió:
Arian, dónde podría descargar ese versión 5 del retranslator?


El 2014-10-13 10:46, Arian Molina Aguilera escribió:
El 11/10/2014 a las #4, Michael González Medina escribió:
El 09/10/14 13:18, Ruben Cervantes escribió:
Saludos amigos hasta donde tengo entendido retranslator a quedado obsoleto,

pues bueno, cosa rara, pues con esta configuracion:

contenido del fichero: retranslator.conf


# Location of retranslated files.

# Directory where to create and use temporary files.

# Date formatting string. See date(1) man page for available formatting options.

# Time formatting string. See date(1) man page for available formatting options.

# Path for backup of previous version of retranslated files.

# Path for store runing PID info. This file is used for prevent creation of another program's instances.

# Optional specification of components to be retranslated.

# Optional specification of OS filter.

# Optional specification of instruction set filter.

# Optional specification of application filter.

# Optional specification of build filter.

# Specifies the main update index.
# Note: You should not modify this option unless so advised
# by your customer support or expert user.

# Specifies the root update path.
# Note: You should not modify this option unless so advised
# by your customer support or expert user.

# When set to "yes", keepup2date tries to perform an update from the specified # UpdateServerUrl. If that fails, then it uses the default list of servers.

# If UpdateServerUrl is used, but the update fails, the updater continues by # trying the servers in its default list. If this setting is set to "yes" (the # (value assumed if not otherwise specified), keepup2date will not fall-back if
# UpdateServerUrl is not usable, and stop trying other servers.

# Specifies a custom URL from where to download the updates.
# URL ca be:
# http://location/ - to use HTTP protocol;
# ftp://location/ - to use FTP protocol;
#   /local/path      - to use a local path.

# When the updater uses its default list of server, this setting can select # a preferred region, and the servers from that region will be tried first. # The region is entered as two letter country code, e.g. am, ar, at, az, be, # bg, br, by, ca, cl, cn, cs, cz, de, ee, es, fr, gb, ge, gr, hk, hu, it, jp, # kg, kr, kz, lt, lv, md, mx, nl, pl, ro, ru, th, tj, tm, tr, tw, ua, uk, us, uz.
# To obtain a list of the latest valid servers and region codes run 'keepup2date -s'.

# Network timeout setting, in seconds.

# When set to "yes", updater does not display any information on operation
# progress.

# When set to "yes" the updater will work only through the proxy, configured # by ProxyAddress option, or from http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY environment vars. # If this option is missing, the updater will try to find a proxy and use it
# or otherwise try to download directly.

# Specifies a proxy to be used for downloads, using the syntax:
#   http://[username:password@]url:port/

# Whether or not to use passive ftp (you may need to turn it on
# if you are behind a firewall).

# Command to be executed when an retranslate completes successfully.
# The commands must return 0 (SUCCESS) or 1 (FAIL). If command is not successful, then
# it is logged as error.

# When logging to file, defines whether to append new records
# to the report or overwrite the report at each session.

# Report file name.

# Defines how detailed the report entries should be.
# Detail levels are:
# 0 - Report only fatal errors. Only the errors, which result in program
#    termination, or failure to start, are reported; for example, if a
#    component failed to load a license file. Fatal errors have the 'F'
#    mark in the log file.
# 1 - Report all errors. Reports not only fatal errors, but also any error,
#    which affects program behavior, but not causing the component to
#    terminate. Non-fatal errors have the 'E' mark in the log file.
# 2 - Report all errors and warnings. Also reports important information, # which affects the component productivity, or may affect component ability # to work in future; for example, if the license is about to be expired.
#    Warnings have the 'W' mark in the log file.
# 3 - Report everything above, including the important information about the # component life cycle. This includes information about the component startup # and shutdown, the expiration date of the license, the last update date and so.
#    Informational messages have the 'I' mark in the log file.
# 4 - Report everything above, including the information about the current # component activity. Activity messages have the 'A' mark in the log file. # Note that the total amount of activity information may be quite large. # 9 - Report everything above, including the debugging information. Please use # this level if you are reporting bugs in the product. Do not forget to turn
#    it off afterwords. Debug messages have 'D' mark in the log file.

yo sigo actualizando mis clientes sin ningún problema,



aquí les dejo mi conf, y logs del retranslator 5.0 que es el que uso
y mis actualizaciones de KAV están 100% funcionales. Salu2.

# Location of retranslated files.

# Directory where to create and use temporary files.

# Date formatting string. See date(1) man page for available formatting options.

# Time formatting string. See date(1) man page for available formatting options.

# Path for backup of previous version of retranslated files.

# Path for store runing PID info. This file is used for prevent
creation of another program's instances.

# Optional specification of components to be retranslated.

# Optional specification of OS filter.

# Optional specification of instruction set filter.

# Optional specification of application filter.

# Optional specification of build filter.

# Specifies the main update index.
# Note: You should not modify this option unless so advised
# by your customer support or expert user.

# Specifies the root update path.
# Note: You should not modify this option unless so advised
# by your customer support or expert user.

# When set to "yes", keepup2date tries to perform an update from the specified # UpdateServerUrl. If that fails, then it uses the default list of servers.

# If UpdateServerUrl is used, but the update fails, the updater continues by # trying the servers in its default list. If this setting is set to "yes" (the # (value assumed if not otherwise specified), keepup2date will not fall-back if
# UpdateServerUrl is not usable, and stop trying other servers.

# Specifies a custom URL from where to download the updates.
# URL ca be:
#   http://location/ - to use HTTP protocol;
#   ftp://location/  - to use FTP protocol;
#   /local/path      - to use a local path.

# When the updater uses its default list of server, this setting can select # a preferred region, and the servers from that region will be tried first. # The region is entered as two letter country code, e.g. am, ar, at, az, be, # bg, br, by, ca, cl, cn, cs, cz, de, ee, es, fr, gb, ge, gr, hk, hu, it, jp,
# kg, kr, kz, lt, lv, md, mx, nl, pl, ro, ru, th, tj, tm, tr, tw, ua,
uk, us, uz.
# To obtain a list of the latest valid servers and region codes run
'keepup2date -s'.

# Network timeout setting, in seconds.

# When set to "yes", updater does not display any information on operation
# progress.

# When set to "yes" the updater will work only through the proxy, configured # by ProxyAddress option, or from http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY environment vars. # If this option is missing, the updater will try to find a proxy and use it
# or otherwise try to download directly.

# Specifies a proxy to be used for downloads, using the syntax:
#   http://[username:password@]url:port/
# ProxyAddress=

# Whether or not to use passive ftp (you may need to turn it on
# if you are behind a firewall).

# Command to be executed when an retranslate completes successfully.
# The commands must return 0 (SUCCESS) or 1 (FAIL). If command is not
successful, then
# it is logged as error.

# When logging to file, defines whether to append new records
# to the report or overwrite the report at each session.

# Report file name.

# Defines how detailed the report entries should be.
# Detail levels are:
# 0 - Report only fatal errors. Only the errors, which result in program
#    termination, or failure to start, are reported; for example, if a
#    component failed to load a license file. Fatal errors have the 'F'
#    mark in the log file.
# 1 - Report all errors. Reports not only fatal errors, but also any error,
#    which affects program behavior, but not causing the component to
#    terminate. Non-fatal errors have the 'E' mark in the log file.
# 2 - Report all errors and warnings. Also reports important information, # which affects the component productivity, or may affect component ability # to work in future; for example, if the license is about to be expired.
#    Warnings have the 'W' mark in the log file.
# 3 - Report everything above, including the important information about the # component life cycle. This includes information about the component startup
#    and shutdown, the expiration date of the license, the last
update date and so.
#    Informational messages have the 'I' mark in the log file.
# 4 - Report everything above, including the information about the current # component activity. Activity messages have the 'A' mark in the log file. # Note that the total amount of activity information may be quite large. # 9 - Report everything above, including the debugging information. Please use # this level if you are reporting bugs in the product. Do not forget to turn
#    it off afterwords. Debug messages have 'D' mark in the log file.

[13-10-2014 08:51:09 I] Kaspersky Retranslator build #20
[13-10-2014 08:51:09 I] Configuration file: /home/retranslator/retranslator.conf
[13-10-2014 08:51:09 I] === Task started event
[13-10-2014 08:51:09 I] Update source is selected '/'
[13-10-2014 08:51:09 A] Downloading file  'index/u0607g.xml.dif'
[13-10-2014 08:51:09 A] Downloading file  'index/u0607g.xml.klz'
[13-10-2014 08:51:09 A] Downloading file  'index/u0607g.xml'
[13-10-2014 08:51:09 I] File does not exist on update source '/index/u0607g.xml'
[13-10-2014 08:51:09 I] Update source is selected
[13-10-2014 08:51:37 A] Downloading file  'index/u0607g.xml.dif'
[13-10-2014 08:52:52 A] Downloading file  'index/u0607g.xml.klz'
[13-10-2014 08:54:15 A] Downloading file  'index/u0607g.xml'
[13-10-2014 08:55:43 E] Download error 'ftp://downloads5.kaspersky-labs.com/'
[13-10-2014 08:55:43 I] Update source is selected
[13-10-2014 08:55:55 A] Downloading file  'index/u0607g.xml.dif'
[13-10-2014 08:55:55 A] Downloading file  'index/u0607g.xml.klz'
[13-10-2014 08:55:56 I] Generate list of files to download
[13-10-2014 08:56:14 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:56:39 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:57:28 A] Downloading file 'bases/apu/apu-0607g.xml.dif'
[13-10-2014 08:57:30 A] Downloading file 'bases/av/ark/ark-0607g.xml.dif' [13-10-2014 08:57:30 A] Downloading file 'bases/as/pas/pas-0607g.xml.dif'
[13-10-2014 08:57:58 A] Downloading file 'bases/av/wa/wa-0607g.xml.dif'
[13-10-2014 08:58:00 A] Downloading file 'bases/blst/blst2-0607g.xml.dif'
[13-10-2014 08:58:02 A] Downloading file 'bases/hips/hips-0607g.xml.dif'
[13-10-2014 08:58:04 A] Downloading file 'bases/info/info-0607g.xml.dif'
[13-10-2014 08:58:07 A] Downloading file 'bases/ksn/ksn-0607g.xml.dif'
[13-10-2014 08:58:08 A] Downloading file 'bases/uds/uds-0607g.xml.dif'
[13-10-2014 08:58:09 A] Downloading file 'bases/sw2/sw2-0607g.xml.dif'
[13-10-2014 08:58:10 A] Downloading file 'bases/wmuf/wmuf-0607g.xml.dif'
[13-10-2014 08:58:11 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:58:12 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:58:13 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:58:25 A] Downloading file 'bases/av/ark/mod-ark-0607g.xml.klz'
[13-10-2014 08:58:26 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:58:28 A] Downloading file 'bases/hips/mod-hips-0607g.xml.dif'
[13-10-2014 08:58:32 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:58:34 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:58:36 A] Downloading file 'bases/uds/mod-uds-0607g.xml.klz' [13-10-2014 08:58:40 A] Downloading file 'bases/uds/mod/mod-uds-0607g.xml.klz' [13-10-2014 08:59:06 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/blst/bl0039.dat.rko'
[13-10-2014 08:59:10 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:12 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:15 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:16 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:16 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:17 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:18 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:20 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:21 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:22 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:24 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:25 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:27 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/av/kdb/i386/kjim.mft.c7o'
[13-10-2014 08:59:29 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:31 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:32 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:33 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:34 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:35 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:38 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:39 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/av/kdb/x64/dailyc.kdc.-k5'
[13-10-2014 08:59:43 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:45 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:48 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:50 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 08:59:55 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 09:00:00 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 09:00:04 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 09:00:14 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 09:00:23 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/apu/apu0024.dat.urf' [13-10-2014 09:00:25 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/apu/apu0025.dat.jfy' [13-10-2014 09:00:27 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/apu/apu0026.dat.v4m' [13-10-2014 09:00:29 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/apu/apu0049.dat.r4p' [13-10-2014 09:00:31 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/apu/apu0049.dat.0bn' [13-10-2014 09:00:37 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/apu/apu0050.dat.p4t' [13-10-2014 09:00:39 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/apu/apu0058.dat.4wz' [13-10-2014 09:00:41 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/apu/apu0059.dat.bpr' [13-10-2014 09:00:53 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/apu/apu0060.dat.vep'
[13-10-2014 09:01:11 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 09:01:13 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/as/pas/as.trm.5v9'
[13-10-2014 09:01:16 A] Downloading file  'bases/as/pas/as.trm'
[13-10-2014 09:05:48 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/av/wa/i386/webav.kfb.hdg' [13-10-2014 09:06:06 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/av/wa/geosec.xms.rwu' [13-10-2014 09:06:09 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/hips/certdb.dat.we4'
[13-10-2014 09:06:16 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 09:06:19 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/uds/uds.esm.tia'
[13-10-2014 09:06:21 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/sw2/pdmsafe.kdc.2bi'
[13-10-2014 09:06:28 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/sw2/pdm00.kdc.h08'
[13-10-2014 09:06:50 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/wmuf/wmuf0001.dat.jft' [13-10-2014 09:06:52 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/wmuf/wmuf0002.dat.biy' [13-10-2014 09:06:54 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/wmuf/wmuf0003.dat.9_e' [13-10-2014 09:06:55 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/wmuf/wmuf0012.dat.uva' [13-10-2014 09:06:57 A] Downloading file 'diffs/bases/wmuf/wmuf0018.dat.6nd'
[13-10-2014 09:07:09 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 09:07:12 A] Downloading file 'bases/av/ark/mod/i386/win/mark.kdl' [13-10-2014 09:07:53 A] Downloading file 'bases/av/ark/mod/i386/win/mark32.dat' [13-10-2014 09:08:24 A] Downloading file 'bases/av/ark/mod/i386/win/mark64.dat' [13-10-2014 09:08:53 A] Downloading file 'bases/av/ark/mod/i386/win/arkmon.kdl'
[13-10-2014 09:09:08 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 09:09:42 A] Downloading file
[13-10-2014 09:10:17 A] Downloading file 'bases/uds/mod/uds.dll'
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 I] === Started installation files for retranslation
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] New file installed
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] New file installed
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] New file installed
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] New file installed
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] New file installed
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] New file installed
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:22 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] New file installed
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] New file installed
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] New file installed
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] New file installed
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] New file installed
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 A] File updated
[13-10-2014 09:11:23 I] Retranslation completed successfully
[13-10-2014 09:15:06 I] Command /home/retranslator/compactar.sh was
executed with code 0

Arian Molina Aguilera
Administrador de Redes y Servicios Telemáticos
Linux Usuario Registrado #392892
Telfs: +53(7)2047874, +53(7)204-2710 ext 123
jabber: ar...@artex.sa
Nodo Central ARTex S.A. La Habana. Cuba.

Este mensaje ha sido analizado por MailScanner
en busca de virus y otros contenidos peligrosos,
y se considera que está limpio.

Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.

__________ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
signature database 10551 (20141012) __________

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.


Empresa de Investigaciones y Proyectos Hidr�ulicos de Camaguey
Ave. Libertad #20
Telef. 298004-281735

Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.

He enlazado 1 archivo a este mensaje:
retranslator.tgz <https://app.box.com/s/6r6wi8932npery3r4sq9>(5,4 MB)Box <https://www.box.com/thunderbird>https://app.box.com/s/6r6wi8932npery3r4sq9 Mozilla Thunderbird <http://www.getthunderbird.com> hace fácil compartir archivos grandes a través del correo electrónico.

Arian Molina Aguilera
Administrador de Redes y Servicios Telemáticos
Linux Usuario Registrado #392892
Telfs: +53(7)2047874, +53(7)204-2710 ext 123
jabber: ar...@artex.sa
Nodo Central ARTex S.A. La Habana. Cuba.

Este mensaje ha sido analizado por MailScanner
en busca de virus y otros contenidos peligrosos,
y se considera que est� limpio.

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Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.

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