At 05:04 PM 7/24/2005, you wrote:
At 08:53 PM 7/22/2005, you wrote:
Would it be the digital.nypl archives?
That's probably the most helpful link to give as their categores are quite
nice to just jump into:
for you, scroll down to costume-1910s

michaela de bruce

Hi Michaela,

Thanks for sharing this link with us.

Depending on time frame, I just want to warn people that the images may not be "accurate", as to me, some look rather "Victorian" in styling. I am currently looking over the 1500s England to see what they have. Some are not in the right time frame (ie images noted as being in the reign of James I, which was 1600s). Some are noted on the image as being of a certain date, but the style of garment is definitely incorrect for that date. (ie: Elizabeth, 1559., IMAGE ID: 811192 ). Most make me want to see the original, if there is any. Thankfully, they do have detailed info on where the plates originally come from in most cases.

There is one lady holding a handbag! ([Woman in long dress holding a handbag]. IMAGE ID: 811216) Oh, I've never seen that style of purse in this time period before.

There is one that I have become partial to. Anyone know if there is an actual portrait this image may be based on?
(Mary. IMAGE ID: 811214 )


How did you manage to view the images? Only a few images showed up when I went to the folder, unfortunately, none of them were the ones you looked at.

Joan Jurancich
h-costume mailing list

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