I think that it's a trick of perspective that makes people think that French 
Hoods stand up away from the head. I have made two French Hoods that actually 
lay down almost flat against my skull but that look tilted when I wear them. 
People don't realize that the skull actually slopes up from the forehead and so 
if you make something that lies flat to the head it will appear tilted when 
observed. I cringe every time I see one of the 'sun visor' French Hoods- I know 
that's what some people actually use for them because they have told me with 
great enthusiasm that they are the perfect shape and won't it be 
wonderful......that's when I just grit my teeth and nod politely. I remember 
seeing a nun one time with a head-dress that was a perfect French Hood and I 
wished that I had the nerve to ask her how her order (I have no idea which one) 
constructs the things and if the makings might be available to the public. 
Alas, I haven't seen one like it since (not that I've been prowling th!
 e convents and cathedrals looking) but if I do, I may just throw caution to 
the wind and ask.

Byt he way, there's a sketch in one of Janet Arold's books (PoF or QEWUNLK'D) 
of a French woman from front and back and I believe she's wearing a French 
Hood......it's usually used to illustrate the farthingale that peaking out from 
under her hem or the way her bodice laces up the back. That might give you a 
back view to work from.

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