I believe the Markland Medieval Mercenary Militia was formed in 1966 to reenact the battle of Hastings (1066). They began at the university of Maryland and eventually they and the SCA became acquainted. Markland has been going as a separate organization since it began.

Likewise, American Civil War reenactment probably got popular for its centennial, in the 1960s. I had heard that veterans and enthusiasts got together before then.

It's interesting that these also started in that mid-1960s period, whether there was any influence from the SCA or not.

There are some "Revolutionary War" uniforms in collections that were made later for commemorations, perhaps 1876? While not necessarily reenactments, people were dressing up.

True, but I was talking about the modern reenactment movement rather than, say, Victorian costume balls.

Most SCA events are private - halls, parks and school property is rented for their use.

I wouldn't quite call that private . . . not like, say, a Victorian costume ball, or a modern party, where only friends are invited. I'd call it organizational. Anyone can join the SCA as far as I know. It used to be possible to attend events without being a member, but I don't know if that's still true.

My impression is that American Revolution or Civil War reenactment came to the west coast later, so the SCA was first in that area. But in the east it was already going on.

I believe there have never been as many events for those eras here, as back East.
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