In a message dated 9/21/2005 2:49:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I think  you are being rather high and mighty.

I am. But don't take it too personally.
The "no one will notice" argument is one of my pet peeves.
The "No one will notice or cares" argument is no help at all. Look at  it 
this way. A show runs a mere 3 times. The small house only holds  100. At least 
300 people can see the show. Are you telling me out  of 300 people, NO ONE will 
know? Besides I know it's wrong. There's  one!

As far as expense....after a certain professional level...if you don't have  
the bucks, then don't do it.
I can't tell you how many garments and costumes I've made out of a sows ear  
and made it look like silk. With a little thinking and, yes, extra effort, it  
can be done.
I was asked to do a "southern belle" for the March of Dimes little fund  
raiser skit. I bought lace cafe curtains by the pound, got  donated  polyester 
taffeta bolt ends I pieced together for an underskirt, and cut an  accurate 
[even though the fabric wasn't] that looks so good, the  designer of a film I 
did for The Family Channel insisted on using it on Jane  Curtin in a major 
scene...where they talk about the dress! [it's dubbed the  Jane Curtin Curtain 
Now I don't really mean to toot my own horn so much....I am not the do all  
and end all in costuming. But that's my point! I'm just a cutter draper in  
Wilmington, NC...not even LA or NYC. If I can do it, why can't others? My own  
experience tells me this.
The problem with your $$$$ argument is that most lousy costuming has  nothing 
to do with budget in the major motion picture and TV industry. It's  usually 
a designer who just doesn't get it....or cronyism....or both.
There, end of rant. It's not personal...but nix the "No one will know"  rap.
You are correct about accuracy not working every time.
I am not a accuracy nut...but I like RESPECT for the period. Take "Sleepy  
Hollow" and "Interview with the Vampire". Both take great liberties with 
 and color. But things are cut accurately and there's a respect for the  
period...adjusted to fit the fantasy of the drama. Great  costumes!
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