I have a book from the very 1900s which is for cutting out of underthings. I"m planning on starting making some of them and having a little trouble figuring out modern substitutes for fabric mentioned. I haven't made anything from this time frame (or the preceeding century), a fact which I don't think is helping.

Calico and longcloth are mentioned quite a bit, I'm assuming the calico here is nothing like the calico I can buy in Australia (or more accurately the stuff you get in most fabric stores here, the calico I have in kits from the UK seems to be of a far better quality). What would I be looking for in terms of weave etc - although I'm not sure that this would help at the moment as the book describes the individual fabrics reasonable well in these terms but I can't seem to translate it to reality. Names of substitutes would possibly be better

Cambric is also mentioned, and I'm wondering if anybody could, again, suggest substitutes please. Is it anything like a decent cotton lawn (like what liberty and liberty-like prints use)?

If it is of any help I'm looking at making things like combinations, camisoles, petticoat bodices, american drawers and the like with a reasonable amount of handsewing (using the machine only for the long seams).

Thank you,

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