At 10:10 PM 10/12/2005, you wrote:
If you mean high necked shirts.. there are several extant that use a basic
rectangle cut with a slit for the neck, gussets at the shoulders for shape
and the body gathered/pleated to the neckline. I suspect there is a fair
amount of artistic licence in some portraits... The Sture shirt though does
look very fully gathered/pleated though.

Hello Michaela,

I have seen the Mary of Hapsburg images from Cynthia Virtue's site, but didn't know of your images and info. Thank you for sharing those with me.

I was speaking of the high necked shirts. One is this image of Henry, where you can see the decorative(?) black lines along one shoulder (his right), and it appears smocked into the neck collar, or it may be the texture of the painting.
I have a rather clear copy in one of my books, but not having seen this painting in person, am not sure if smocking lines, or brush strokes.

This image from Joos van Cleve also is high necked and appears smocked.
I only wish I had a better image to look at. My book shows it in B&W, and not very well.

And a third earlier image of Henry VIII, from an unknown artist in 1521. The only image I have is from Norris, Plate X B, which is a B&W image of the original painting. The neck is lower, rounded, and attached to a decorative strip of something, but definitely fully smocked from one side to the other side of the wide front opening of the doublet & robe?

With your hint of the Sture shirt (I knew of the suits, but not the shirt), I did some google searching and found a possible pattern and detail photos of the Sture shirt, and info on the woman's reproduction shirt. However, I am not sure what I am looking at with the detailed images, as there doesn't appear to be an overall image of the original shirt to put it all into context.
But it gave me a name of a journal to hunt down, "Journal of the Royal Armoury" Vol IV: 8-9 (häfte 8-9) The article is titled "Stureskjortorna" and it was written by Anna-Maja Nylén. Do you or anyone else have this, seen this, and/or know what language it may be written in? I am presuming not English. Since you mentioned the shirt, do you have more info on the Sture shirt as well?

And I found this image of a boy's shirt, c1550.
Which came from here:

Which reminded me to look at Albrecht Durer's works, which provide tantalizing glimpses of the shirts near the neck, but even with the book I have and large images, not enough detail to determine what's going on.

But this is more than I had before, so thank you for your comments and hints that continue my path to finding out more on Henry's shirts.


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