I have 2 --one is 18" and the other is 20".  Found them in the notions
dept of JoAnn's and a drafting supply store

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Elizabeth Young
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:53 AM
To: Historical Costume
Subject: Re: [h-cost] helpfull tool

Bjarne og Leif Drews wrote:
> Hi,
> Yesterday i was chasing a new working lamp as my old one had broken. I

> was going trough the most of the city,
> On my way i went into a drawing shop and found a nice devise i can use

> for my costume work.
> It is made by a firm called Linex, it is a long green rubber stick
> is bendable to make curves.
> This is ideal for instance for when you are going to  make a chemise 
> that is going to have the same cut as the stays. You just outline your

> nedkline of the stays with this stick, while they are sitting on your 
> dress stand, and voila you have the cut for the chemises neckline.

I have one of those, mine has a ruler built into it. It is very useful, 
although I wish it was longer than 12 inches.

liz young

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