And finally, one of my new favorites:
The search utility here isn't anywhere near as good as bildindex's, but it's got a lot of great paintings. Click 'recherche' at the top to do a search. The dating info on this website makes it hard to pick a date range, but if you're patient you'll find some great paintings. Of course, the paintings are largely French, but you can get some useful details nonetheless; the French hoods, if nothing else, are very similar to what was worn in England. I'd suggest doing a search for Corneille de Lyon (you'll get an option of him or of his atelier; look at both) as you'll find some great, detailed portraits from around the right time period.

Hope this helps.

-E House

Thanks for this link! I've been putting off working on French hood for a while now---I had a sudden attack of laziness!-but I find it verrrry interesting (said in best Arte Johnson voice) that the painting of Catherine de Medici clearly shows a narrow white strap holding on her hood. My hair is very soft and slippery, and normally trying to keep on a hat of any kind drives me nuts and makes me cranky, so anything that makes it easier is welcome.

back to look at more pictures!

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