Bjarne og Leif Drews wrote:
Dear Melanie,
I hope not it is two nosy of me to ask, but where did you get that Trebizond cord that you used in your Elizabethan embroidery doublet?

I got it from Rising River Thread Express
but I can't now find it on their site. You might email Jean and see if she still carries it. She's tremendously nice.

It's not hard to find, though. A short Google search turned up these and more:

If i understand it correctly you used it for the branches or stems of the oak leaves? How thick is this cord?

Yes--all the stems are Trebizond. In most places there are two cords right next to each other. The cord itself is fairly thin (1 mm in diameter), but with two side-by-side, it works. I tried thicker twisted threads (couldn't find any thicker silk cording), but it looked too bulky. If it was in colors on a pale background, the stems might look too thin, but since it's black silk on black velvet, it's more the texture that's important.
Nomatter what you say, it is totally gorgeous embroidery, i think its one of the best i have seen yeat for Elizabethan reproduktion.

I'm blushing!! Thank you. There are aspects of it that I wish were a little different, but at least I'm getting plenty of practice! When I finish, decades from now, I'll post a pic of the completed outfit.


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