I adore  music from the Renaissance and Baroqe periods, though, and Mozart
(does he  count as Baroqe or Romantic?


He's "Classical"....with Haydn and Beethoven.

And there are lots of Baroque and Classical operas. My faves too. I like  the
stylized, non-realistic approach of these operas. "Le Nozzi di Figaro" is my


And.... was it Suzi who didn't like Ballet? But you loved Rameau? About 1/3
of his operas ARE ballet!

No, what I said was I loved the music. I did not enjoy the trampolines and the bizarre modern take on the opera.But the music was played and sung by Les Arts Florisantes, a truly wonderful baroque music group directed by William Christie. They are doing Handel's Hannibal" later in the year, and I hope so much to be able to see that too. (Well, listen rather than see to be honest.)



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