At 08:06 AM 3/9/2006, you wrote:
The temptation to make a rude pun is almost overwhelming...but I'll resist <G>

They would wear what everyone else would wear. There was no particular "uniform" of a pirate. I looked into this when my huibby was giving me grief about dressing up. What we think of as "pirates" is out of period...the great coat, the striped clothes, etc. Darn. My hubby as Captain Jack...hmmm...... Hubby said he'd wear a great coat & tall boots. Tunics are dresses...

Hi Julie,

Thanks for resisting the pun... I am sure we all can come up with something.

This is exactly why I am looking up what they wore, because it was my hunch they wore what everyone else wore, but I have no proof of that, and it is the visual proof I am looking for. I am going to be doing a visual lecture on Costume Myths for our local Ren-faire people.

See, we are currently finding a number of people involving themselves at our local Renaissance faires wearing the stereotypical "Pirate" garb, which is a much later time frame. While the faire promoters aren't sure what to do about it (except for one who has embraced it as her faire theme), I am hoping to show people visual images of what exactly they did wear, or at least as much info about it as I can. If they want to ignore it, and continue to wear the Capt'n Jack Sparrow outfits... at least I tried.

And yeah, if you got a hubby willing to dress like Capt'n Jack... oye. Enjoy yourselves. ;-) I fell in love with my husband because he enjoyed wearing kilts... I really like men in kilts.


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