I was looking at this website to find out the price of custom made corsets, as I'm getting tired of the number of times I've needed to alter the corset pattern I'm currently working on (the 1844 corset in Corsets and Crinolines, the bust is way too big & I'm on my third round of alterations to reduce it) I can't afford to buy a corset, but I came across this nifty little tool for preventing the corset laces from slipping when you're lacing it up http://romantasyweb.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=R&Product_Code=lst&Category_Code=HA They are selling it but it's really simple and could easily be reproduced at home even if you don't have much in the way of tools. All you'd really need is 2 pieces of dowel with holes drilled for the cords and the hook. If you know somebody who does woodwork you could probably make this out of their scraps. This wouldn't work as well for pre 19th century corsets as they have a lace that runs from the top and ends at the waist so you don't have a loop, but it would certainly save some time (I knot the end of my laces to avoid slipping while I'm tightening but having the tension constantly held would save the time of making the knot and then undoing it to re-knot it at the new tension) Elizabeth
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