Dear Sylvia,

I have been working on an on-line portfolio, organised by era, with a
thumbnails page:

The pictures are clickable and take you to a more detailed page for
each period; eventually I hope to have individual pages for each
outfit, but so far I've only done that for 1 dress.

There are just not enough hours in the day.  I am so torn between
wanting to add more and more to my website and wanting/needing to make
clothing.  I don't know what my boys are going to wear in the parade
on Monday.  I am finding it really hard to balance the two.  And my
housekeeping is definitely suffering..:~P


On 5/26/06, Sylvia Rognstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I currently have my portfolio online but want to spice it up a little
in adding a cover page, photo, other info.  Do any of you out there
have such online portfolios/resumes that I could look at just for some
style suggestions?  WHile I am very creative at costuming, I kind of
draw a blank at graphic design and could just use some ideas.


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Katy Bishop, Vintage Victorian
    Custom reproduction gowns of the Victorian Era.
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