What is trying to be conveyed is a procedure in off topic posting. Off topic
posts are not banned. When posting a non costume related topic it is
appropriate to place in the subject heading "OT" for off topic posts (even
the old timers forget this once in a while). Then in the post, a simple
explanation of what is going on, example: "I have this class in .... and I
need input and I don't have access to many people so I was hoping some here
would be kind enough to help me with this" and then post the questions.
An explanation helps us determine whether we are looking at SPAM or an
actual request from a member.
When I read your post/questionnaire I thought it was SPAM so I immediately
deleted it.
Hope this explains that we are not saying you should not have posted the OT,
just that you needed a little more to help us identify what we were reading.


-----Original Message-----
"I'm sorry if such a online discussion question offends you. I thought the
formum would be an open discussion area since I've seen unrelated messages
and topics before this. "

"I thought it would be fine to ask on this board. I'll limit my responses to
costuming from now on. "

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