Sue Clemenger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Ah, Julian! It sounds like your island should become a destination spot for
a shopping vacation! The store sounds *wonderful!* ;o)
--Sue, a long ways away from any Jersey, old or new  COMMENT
  Dear Sue,
  if our "omniscient" politicians [short-sghted SoB's!] hadn't been so stupid 
as to allow one ferry Operator to have a monoploy of the Sea Route to the UK - 
leading to monopoly-level prices, we would probably have a much larger number 
of "shopping daytrippers" than we do. 
   We have the most expensive sea-ferry fares in the whole of Europe!  I can 
travel & return between Dover & Calais cross-Channel, ten times; -  for the 
cost of one trip Jersey-UK-Jersey. Asa result, most of the "blue-collar" 
population have become "economic prisoners" here.
  God be with you wherever you are!

                  Yours in Service, 
  ["Messire Matthew Baker", Governor & Castellan of Jersey, 1486-1497: 
  Motto  - "Si vis pacem, para bellum" (Trans:-"if you wish for Peace, prepare 
for War") ]
  aka. - Julian Wilson,  - late-medieval Re-enactor; Herald, Historian, & 
Master Artisan to 
"The Companie of the Duke's Leopards", 
[the Island of "old" Jersey's only mediƦval living-history Group] 
Meet us at <  >" 

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