Go fabric shopping in the garment district. I was
there in 2002 and just about went insane in all the
wonderful, CHEAP, designer fabrics.  I can't remember
the streets exactly, but within a couple block radius
there were so many little hole in the wall shops with
great stuff.

I got some yummy velvet, 60", for only $3.50/yd, trims
so wonderfully cheap it would have been a sin to leave
them and wanted a bunch more, but hubby wouldn't let
me buy another suitcase to take it home in and I
couldn't ditch anything to make room.  

Our conference was at the hotel across from Madison
Square Garden and I walked a couple blocks down the
street to the shops, so it wasn't far.  

Good luck getting away from your conference.  There
was so much I wanted to see, but I kept getting hauled
into extra rehearsal sessions and getting out to the
shops was about the only thing I got to do that wasn't


--- "Susan B. Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And for another subject ....
> If I can pull it off (and it will probably take an
> act of God), I want
> to go to the Evolution Meeting at the end of the
> month (June 23-27) at
> SUNY Stony Brook.  Apologies to those of you who may
> see this more than
> once ...
> I've *never* been to New York.  If there was only
> *one* thing that you
> would do while in NY -- fiber/garb/SCA general
> related (and the
> symposium
> that I need to attend is Saturday Morning), what
> would you do?
> Susan
> -----
> Susan Farmer
> University of Tennessee
> Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
> http://www.goldsword.com/sfarmer/Trillium/
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Rebecca Burch
Center Valley Farm
Duncan Falls, Ohio, USA
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