Hey, I used to work at SUNY Stony Brook! A couple things to consider: check out the LIRR schedule at http://lirr42.mta.info/. There are only a handful of trains from Stony Brook and they take about 1.5-2 hours because of transfers. If someone could give you a ride down to the Ronkonkoma station, the trains leave once an hour during midday and even more frequently during morning rush hour. The train ride is shorter, too--about an hour and fifteen. (Drive to Ronkonkoma from Stony Brook? hmmm--about 15-20 mins if the traffic isn't too bad, so overall it might add up to the same--just depends on how the SB schedule fits your day.)

The Cloisters is so tempting, but again, time is the enemy. It's way way uptown. If you are at the Met you've got to get across Central Park, then take the A-train up to 190th, then about a 10 minute walk through Tryon Park. (http://www.mta.nyc.ny.us/nyct/maps/submap.htm). So, add at least an hour or two to your day for travel time if you want to head up there.

You're also just in time for the newly expanded exhibit space at the Morgan Library (http://www.themorgan.org/exhibitions/default.asp) featuring a "best of" illuminated manuscripts. Yum! If you like Renaissance Vienna you're in luck--the Frick has a Veronese exhibit--http://www.frick.org/exhibitions/current.htm. (I usually go there to pay homage to Holbein's portrait of Thomas More. The Frick is more known for it's furniture/bronzes than for it's painting collections but the Veronese exhibit looks interesting.)

Closer to Stony Brook, there's the Carriage Museum (now called the Long Island Museum, http://www.longislandmuseum.org) right in town. They have a wedding gown exhibit going in June. If you like gardens, my favorite is Old Westbury Gardens (http://www.oldwestburygardens.org/), seen in umpteen movies and advertisements--gorgeous look at what the "Gold Coast" used to be all about--about a half hour's drive away.

- Hope (who is happy to have moved to Vermont but sometimes really misses NYC!)
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