>You don't think it is better to present constructive suggestions as to how 
>_all_ h-costume members can focus on which of the many posts 
>interest them most, than to simply complain, argue about what is 
>acceptable, have people quit the group, etc.?

Having done a lot of reading and writing, I'm perfectly capable of skimming the 
digest titles and then briefly checking I don't miss a nugget of gold in 
amongst the chat.
BTW  - As someone who /did/ respond in public in a way that some people find 
offensive/unnecessarily open/whatever with some personal information, I just 
want to say TOUGH if you don't like it. 
You don't have to read my messages, I don't have to read yours - I skimmed 
hundreds, literally, after the hurricane last year but you know what, I was 
glad to know everyone was still alive and ok. If I could have helped, I would 
have been glad to be asked, even though it wasn't costume related. No 
complaints, no arguing, no quitting - although to be honest I'm considering it 
after this latest bout of po-faced negativity.
What I /would/ like is a way to filter the digest messages.
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