May I add that some of us have just been staying *out* of the whole mess?
I'm on H-costume for the sheer variety of topics and times and talents, from
the long-time amateurs such as myself to the professionals in theatre or
research--it's all yummy.  (and no, I didn't start out intending to make
them all "t" words, but it's really hot here, so what the heck....) I don't
mind the occasional chattiness at all--if there's a whole bunch of "me, too"
posts, I just delete them as I would any thread in which I have no interest.
So here's one person who will upfront say that she likes the chat.  It's a
bit like being in a room full of people (as in a party, or a fun
convention), all talking about similar things, all at once, and I tune in to
what I want to listen to and contribute to.  I don't find myself cringing in
the least (groaning, occasionally, though, if something goes on and on and
on, as this whole mess seems to be....)
On the other hand, I have enough to do with my work and leisure time without
fussing over whether I've got the right freaking "tag" in my subject line.
I already do try to remember the basics of "OT" for "off-topic," or "OOP"
for "out of period" on time-restricted lists, and things like changing
subject lines.
And I really don't see much "speculation" over anyone's personal life that's
uninvited.  Frankly, if someone drops a big, blue note in the middle of the
list, I think they're asking for comment, or they wouldn't be going to the
trouble of typing it up and sending it.  Ditto, snarky words or sneaky
comments, or outright rudeness.

----- Original Message -----
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] subject lines

> > Although I thought other people also thought maybe there was a bit too
> > much off-topic and personal chat, I assume "the one individual" means
> > me.  If not, who is it?
>      Hey, it's not just one individual - there are two of us at least!
>      As far as people unsubbing, there were some implications of that,
> such as not wanting to lose the list as a resource or suggestions
> that people can go elsewhere.
>      Maybe it's because I'm getting old, but I hate change.  One change
> that I see in various places on the internet is drama.  I really
> enjoy the on-topic, serious, "professional", scholarly tone of
> H-Costume - even those new to costume or new to the list can see
> that. Although some may feel intimidated to post at first, they can
> see that we're high on information and low on noise.
>      So when I see things happening that are personal, chatty, off-topic,
> gossip, what-have-you, I cringe a bit and hope it will stop very
> soon.  I don't want to lose the people, the flavor, and the topics
> that remind me why I enjoy historic costume so much.
>      And while a couple of people have commented that they did not think
> it was a problem, I have not seen anything saying that they think
> it's great to go off-topic, or that it's fun to read one-liners over
> and over, or that it's helpful to speculate about someone's personal
> life.
>      On a lighter note, for those who enjoy a parody of Internet Drama:
>      -Carol

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