In a message dated 8/15/2006 5:56:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Most  people don't realize that what they're wearing right now, like as 
they're  reading this e-mail, will be considered historical 100 years from  

Sure we do! But I suppose people who don't care about clothes don't think  
about it in those terms. But this works in many other areas than fashion. I  
recently got some old "Laugh In" episodes on DVD. The minute I saw that old NBC 
peacock come up on the screen a million synapses fired in my brain that hadn't 
 fired since 1968! I remembered piling into the car with the folks to go see 
my  Dad's friend's new color TV. It was the 1st color TV on the block and 
there were  only like 3 shows in color then...that peacock was the 1st thing I 
ever saw in  color on a TV.
Look at music... The vinyl record is gone. The CD disc is well on the way  
out being replaced by iPod technology. When one's in the thick of it, it's hard 
to see sometimes.
Anyway, as far as clothes go, who knows what the future will latch onto or  
how they will interpret it. Going back to 1968....I have like 3 dresses of  
Mother's made of grey flannel, decorated with rhinestones. Grey flannel and  
rhinestones? Three of them? Was that a "thing" that fall? Will it be documented 
in fashion mags? How will the Kyoto accessorize it?
What would an 18th century person think of the way the Kyoto displayed  those 
18th century gowns? We love it [well, I do] but would our 18th century  time 
travelers approve?
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