**I must have missed the first part of this.  Who is Kate Greenaway?

Kate Greenaway (Kate Greenaway medal for children's book illustration) was a children's book illustrator active in the 1880s, and a contemporary of Randolph Caldecot (Caldecot medal for children's picture books) and Walter Crane. Googling on her name finds:

http://www.ortakales.com/illustrators/Greenaway.html bio
http://www.geocities.com/loveillust/kg/kgreenaway.html images

I have reprints of her Pied Piper of Hamlyn, Language of Flowers, and probably several others I can't recall at the moment. All her illustrations show reproducible costumes, which is lots of fun.

(My personal favorite one-period-interprets-another is the early 1920s
doing American colonial 1770s, complete with the dropped early-20s
waist.  I actively collect examples of this.)

**Can you put this up in files or on your website? I'd love to see this. What a scream.

I'll see what I can do.  I think they are all in storage at the moment.

> Most  people don't realize that what they're wearing right now, like as
> they're reading this e-mail, will be considered historical 100 years from now.

**I do. I think about what a reenactor from the future might wear to portray the turn of the century. Maybe Levis and T-shirts for both men and women. (Hmmm...how could those folks tell men from women back then. And both men and women could have any length hair. Weird ;-)

Think about it: Men's hairstyles and women's hairstyles are somewhat different for the same length of hair, and the shoes will be different too, not to mention a slight possible difference in the cut of the t-shirt. A bad costume book, 100 years from now, will document this whole look in one image, and a good one will catch the subtle differences. Hollywood will still probably do it wrong...

       CarolynKayta Barrows
dollmaker, fibre artist, textillian

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