At 8:30 AM -0600 9/23/06, Sylvia Rognstad wrote:
costumes from movies, and not just good examples but some really bad
ones.  For instance, I happened to see on tv a bit of an old movie
from the 1950s a couple weeks ago called "Princess of the Nile"
which took place in the Middle East and the costumes were so bad
they were really laughable.  The women were wearing high spiked
heels for instance.   So I'm wondering if you all can name some
other old movies with really anachronistic or just plain wrong
historical costumes.

Three movies that illustrate how movie costumes aren't about actual history but rather modern ideas (whether those modern ideas are about modern or historical fashion) are _Brigadoon_, _Rob Roy_, and TFWNSNBU**. Taken together, there are some interesting similarities and contrasts in the films approaches and ideas about historical costuming. Particularly fascinating to me is what the three films reveal about the changes in popular ideas about what historical clothing ought to look like. (The modern fashion is for unkempt fantasy savages, quite a change from Brigadoon.)

Interestingly, _Brigadoon_, for all its straight out of the 1950s women's clothing, actually manages to get it's Scottish men's clothing a lot more historically accurate than Mel "They really did that" Gibson's flick, despite the much hyped (and publicized) specially woven tartans and similar promotional copy efforts. Mind you, getting Scottish clothing a lot more accurate than a Mel Gibson's film isn't exactly saying much... ;-) And, of course, part of that is probably because, unlike Mel's film, Brigadoon (and Rob Roy) are actually set in a period (or at least from a period) when historically men were dressed in a form of the well known popular stereotypes of Scottish clothing. Another potential factor that probably works both for and against Brigadoon is that it was made before the latest major wave of Celtic Romanticism...


**That Film Whose Name Shall Not Be Uttered -- that is, the one with Mel Gibson supposedly portraying William Wallace.
Sharon Krossa, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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