On Sunday 24 September 2006 9:02 pm, Sharon L. Krossa wrote:
> Interestingly, _Brigadoon_, for all its straight out of the 1950s
> women's clothing, actually manages to get  it's Scottish men's
> clothing a lot more historically accurate than Mel "They really did
> that" Gibson's flick, despite the much hyped (and publicized)
> specially woven tartans and similar promotional copy efforts. Mind
> you, getting Scottish clothing a lot more accurate than a Mel
> Gibson's film isn't exactly saying much... ;-) 

I'm not surprised.  One of the major points made in "Hollywood and History" is 
that women's costumes (particularly the female lead) tend to be heavily 
influenced (if not totally based on) current fashion trends of the day in 
which the movie is actually made, while men's costumes (even those of the 
male lead) tend to hew closer to the known historical truth.

Cathy Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"A civilized society is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point
of doubtful sanity."  --Robert Frost

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