Now I feel really bad about posting this "gores question". The picture just 
kind of caught my eye, as I'd heard some people telling me that contrasting 
gores were accurate in the middle ages - a fact that I wasn't very sure of. So 
I just wanted to ask. It wasn't meant to doubt the lady's work at all. 
Suzi Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am beginning to be tired of the incredible rudeness of this list to 
a fellow costumer who doesn't know she is being ripped to pieces. 
Would anyone be so rude to someone who is a list member? I think not. 
The lady obviously makes "good" costumes as well as not so good - 
don't we all? Just because it is not what this list approves of 
doesn't give us the right to be rude.

Her address was given in good faith as someone who might be able to 
supply some goods. I am embarrassed that I gave her name, as I had no 
expectation of the sniping and carping that would go on.


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