Goodness!  A house fire sounds dreadful! Good to hear that you survived,

I was extremely lucky to have been away from home, I normally would
have been in bed when it happened.

And congrats on the impending elevation (welcome to the Grove and all that
<g>).  The gown should be lovely--the inspiration portrait is a new one to
me, but then, I'm only slightly familiar with 16th century German styles.

Thank you:)

It's a rather unique regional style, I'm a bit known now fr a *slight*
obsesion with the Cleves style and the whole North Rhine- Westphalian
style. The one in the portrait is one I have loved for a few years now
and was thrilled to see a large size copy of it online.

--Sue, who sometimes looks remarkably like someone named "Maire," who is an
SCA member with all sorts of Official Alphabet Soup (for late-period
embroidery, primarily

*grin* Willemyne has only a few letters after her name one of which
already looks like OL;) Luckily that has changed to OGL! (Order of the
Golden Lily rather than Order of the Lily.) I really need to decide on
the translation of Mistress though. I need to decide on the Dutch or
German translations.

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