But having recently bought the past patterns edwardian straight front corset

I am completely dumbfounded as to what these lines are doing to creat this dramatic curve.

I haven't made this pattern, though I have made Victorian corsets.

One thing to remember about the fashionable Edwardian S-curve silhouette is that it involves more than the corset. First, fashionable women wore hip pads.

Second, the S-shape was enhanced considerably by a fashionable posture: Lean forward from the waist and stick out your behind, BUT, also thrust your bosom out (also padded if necessary, or enhanced with a ruffled corset cover; the effect should be as if your bosom was placed rather low), AND, throw your head backward.

When feasible: Also, put one hand behind your back at waist level, with your elbow bent and the back of your hand pressing against the small of your back. Use your other hand to hold a parasol, or to lean on the back of a chair or something.

Lavolta Press Books of Historic Costume Patterns

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