On Mon, 20 Aug 2007, Helen Pinto wrote:

> I was in my local supermarket this afternoon getting baking soda
> for the fridge, and guess what was on the shelf next to the brown 
> sugar and confectioners' sugar?  Re-sealable pound sacks of 
> Domino brand Demerara sugar for $2.29.  
> This is not an upscale foodie market, just a regular Giant Eagle.
> Yours may have it, too.

In the last few years I've seen it at some supermarkets. (Haven't seen the
bags here in St. Louis; the local stores tried the Domino tube packets,
and discontinued them; I think no one here had any idea what they'd be
used for.) Even so, it's sold at gourmet prices. Domino's line is cheaper
than most, but it's still pretty expensive.

Right now, at Tesco (the UK equivalent of Giant), a kilo bag of demerara
is as low as 1.09 pounds sterling -- which translates to about 90 cents US
per pound (weight). For comparison, at Tesco the white granulated sugar is
72 pence per kilo (64 cents per pound), and brown sugar is 99 pence per
kilo (89 cents per pound). So it's barely more expensive than other sugars
in the UK. (I'm quoting the cheapest store-brand price on all of these.)
In the U.S., food prices are generally lower, and I get white sugar for 40
cents per pound, and brown sugar for 50 cents per pound when I catch a
sale. So $2.29 per pound bag of demerara makes it a luxury sugar.

Fortunately I see British friends at least once a year, and someone
usually has a bag of demerara stashed in their luggage for me.


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