As I said in a previous posting, Kinko's got into MAJOR copyright- violation trouble ten or so years ago and since then their policy has been Extreme Vigilance, to the point of absurdity. If you have something other than your own typescript or your own drawings to copy, go somewhere else.
--Ruth Anne Baumgartner
scholar gypsy and amateur costumer

On Oct 8, 2007, at 9:30 AM, Mary + Doug Piero Carey wrote:

Sylrog asked:

<I'm a bit confused. Are you asking Kinkos to make copies for you or <are they walking around policing people to see what they are making <copies of by themselves?

Yes, I have seen Kinkos staff snooping around. More often, I've seen a customer ask for help with a machine, and the staffer asks just what they want to do. (This is an entirely proper question, as you often can't tell what settings to use if you don't know what the desired result is.) So the customer shows the staffer what they want to copy, and then the staffer decrees that the customer would be violating copyright and shoos the customer out the door. The problem is that Kinkos' interpretation of Fair Use has almost always been wrong, when I've been observing.

As for my own experiences, the color copy problem happened back in the days when they didn't have color copiers for public use, you had to have them do it. The problem with my b&w copies for insurance documentation was that the size of the originals required the use of the extra-large platen machine. This, again, was not for general public use. Believe me, knowing Kinkos' ignorance, I would NEVER have asked them to make any copy I could do myself!

It may just be that management in my region has a bug up its butt, and this policy isn't nationwide.

Mary Piero Carey

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