The only jobs my truelove and I have tried to take to Kinko's have been oversized paper or color xeroxing, and for both we had to go to the desk and ask someone to do the copying for us....precipitating horrified refusals (see my earlier post for details). We don't go in there anymore--we go to a small but competent copy center owned by local people who DO understand fair use. So I can't tell you if my local Kinko's has people patrolling. But I'd suspect that, patrols or not, if they happened to notice someone copying out of a magazine or other bound object they'd step in. I imagine other people have more extensive experience with Kinko's and can comment more definitively.
--Ruth Anne

On Oct 8, 2007, at 3:47 PM, MaggiRos wrote:

Yes but the question is, if you're copying out of a
book or magazine, does someone come around and stop


--- Ruth Anne Baumgartner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As I said in a previous posting, Kinko's got into
MAJOR copyright-
violation trouble ten or so years ago and since then
their policy has
been Extreme Vigilance, to the point of absurdity.
If you have
something other than your own typescript or your own
drawings to
copy, go somewhere else.
--Ruth Anne Baumgartner
scholar gypsy and amateur costumer

On Oct 8, 2007, at 9:30 AM, Mary + Doug Piero Carey

Sylrog asked:

<I'm a bit confused.  Are you asking Kinkos to
make copies for you
or <are they walking around policing people to see
what they are
making <copies of by themselves?

Vikings? What Vikings? We are but poor, simple farmers. The
village was burning when we got here.

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