In a message dated 10/12/2007 9:03:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

the story of the bastard monarch


It was my impression the Ann and Henry were actually married when Liz was conceived, and that cutting someone's head off for supposed adultery is different from an annulment.
The exact date of the marriage of Anne Boleyn to Henry VIII is not known-- it was some time during late 1532 or January, 1533. Elizabeth was born in early September, so it's not possible to know with certainty whether she was conceived just before or just after the marriage took place. Her parents were definitely married when she was born, though, which is what matters in terms of legitimacy.

However, before Anne lost her head, her marriage to the King was annulled on the grounds of the consanguinuity of a previous sexual relationship between Henry and Anne's sister Mary, for which no dispensation had been granted (or sought, for that matter). Elizabeth was declared a bastard.

Adele de Maisieres

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hominem meam. Expectat alium quid?
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