Aha! Margaret Street, London? 
  Way back when the world was young, & rocks were soft, - one of my very first 
jobs was clerking for the Performing Rights Society whose HQ was in Margaret 
Street! Hand't thought of that for years.
  Anyway, TYVM for giving-up some of your Sunday morning to be so helpful.  My 
lady will now take action on that data.
  Best Wishes and Thanks,

Suzi Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  At 11:43 14/10/2007, you wrote:
>Dear Suzi,
> TYVM for your prompt response. I shall look them up online today.

86 Margaret Street London W1W (0207 580 7488)



Apparently they have moved and changed hands and so on! (No pun intended!) 
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