Ladies & Gentlemen of the List,
  this List seems to be honoured by a number of people whose professional work 
is - or has been - Costuming - for Museums, Theatre, Films, and the like. 
Reading many past Posts while I have been lurking in the shadows and learning 
from you all, I suspect that some of you also have expertise in the 
conservation and cleaning of historic clothing.
  I plead for help on behalf of my Lady and her sister, from such of you as 
have experience in the restoration/conservation of historic clothing - 
especially the metallic lace which so often is to be found upon "dress" 
  "Old" Jersey's Catholic "cathedral" has just undergone a £1Million+plus 
renovation, to restore the building to it's original 1870's "Gothic Revival" 
  The Canon [Jersey's most senior Catholic priest] has subsequently -  and as a 
part of the renovation - created a small exhibition - in purpose-made 
display-cases - in one of the underused side-chapels - of many religious items 
which have languished hidden in storage for years. 
  Near-on 40 gorgeously-embroidered Copes and Chasubles have been discovered, 
for example, secreted in various cupboards and chests in seldom-visited corners 
of various Church properties. Some of these robes are believed to be over a 
century old, dating from the 1870's-80's.
  These robes will be displayed in rotation, so that visitors and Congregation 
may marvel at the High Craft of these wonderful examples of the highest-quality 
  Chalices, pattens, monstrances, reliquaries, small shrines, and other items, 
- many presented to the new Church when it was first consecrated in 1873 - have 
now been cleaned and restored by my Lady and her sister, and are on-display for 
the first in over 60 years. One Monstrance is said to have been donated  to the 
newly-consecrated St. Thomas'' Church by Louis Napoleon III, ex-Emperor of the 
French. A small coffered shrine, of over-gilded wood and plaster, now in 
restoration by myself - is known to have been donated by the Papacy of the Time.
  One of the exhibits is the Uniform of St. Thomas'  "Suisse" [from the French 
"suivre" - to follow, rather than from the "Swiss"  denoting a connection with 
the Papal Guard]. 
  The Suisse led all the Church processions - carrying a Mace and a Spontoon, 
to "clear the way". 
  The single-breasted swallow-tail coat is edged- and the "overall" trousers 
are  striped down the side seams - with metallic "gold" lace, almost a bright 
as the day they were delivered from the Tailors, [because they were properly 
stored-away when the "office" of the Suisse was not filled by the local priest 
in the early 1960's, following the retirement of the previous Suisse].
   However the Suisse's cocked hat, [worn "athwartships"] - also heavily 
ornamented with "gold" lace and trimmed with white ostrich feathers  - was not 
so carefully stored-away, and - though the base fabric and feathers are 
untouched by Time, - the metallic lace has tarnished badly, and is now green 
instead of a bright gold.
  We would welcome suggestions as to how we might clean the metallic lace and 
restore it to a shine at least equal to that of the lace ornamenting the 
swallow-tail coat and the trousers.
Thanking you in advance for your suggestions,
  Julian Wilson

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